30 Years of KRUDCO Skateshop

Posted by Aaron Costa on


     30 years! What a wild ride these wooden toys have taken me on. I would have never imagined, when I started this business in 1994, all the exciting things skateboarding would give me. The growing and learning has been immeasurable. Mistakes were made, but all with the best of intentions and lessons were learned along the way. 

    The seed was planted initially from a group of high school friends that we self called, The Kruds. Then it started to take root when I had to do a project in collage. It grew from there into a door to door service, before computers and online shopping were a thing. Call my pager, I called back and delivered. Shortly after I got a DBA and started selling skateboards in a small office above my fathers auto garage. Much to my surprise things kept growing even more and I had to move to an even larger location. We have had a few addresses since, but now we have fully bloomed and have settled at 60 Mt. Hope, Rochester, NY 14620 and have a website www.krudco.com.

    None of this would have been possible with out the help of all the amazingly talented and generous people that have contributed over the decades. The love of skateboarding brings people from all walks of life together. I am grateful to have had their help and to have also helped them. I owe some of my best memories to skateboarding.

   Thank you to everyone that has supported KRUDCO and has shared there passion for skateboarding with me!  I can't wait to see what's next!


 Aaron Costa

